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HomeOdisha 2024BALASORENILGIRISANTOSH KHATUA(Declaration of Election Expenses))

Odisha 2024


S/o|D/o|W/o: Late Shyamsundar Khatua
Age: 56
Name Enrolled as Voter in: Nilgiri (Orissa) constituency, at Serial no 883 in Part no 77

Self Profession:Trading in Vegetables, Agriculture Farming, Trading Building Materials & Bamboo
Spouse Profession:Trading in Vegitable & Wholesale in Sabai Rope

Abstract Statement Of Expenditure On Election

Item of Expediture Expediture incurred/authorised by Calculated Total expeses
(Total of
Columns 2,
3 & 4)
Given Total expenses
as declared by candidate
Political party
which setup
him up
Any other
body of

i a . Expenses in public meeting, rally,procession etc. (ie:other than the ones with Star Campaigners of the Political party (Enclose as per Schedule-1)
15,54,797   15 Lacs+ 1,19,755   1 Lacs+ Nil    16,74,552   16 Lacs+ 16,74,552   16 Lacs+

i b .Expenditure in public meeting rally, procession etc. with the Star Campaigner(s) (ie:other than those for general party propaganda) (Enclose as per Schedule-2)
Nil    Nil    Nil    0       
ii.Campaign materials,like handbills,posters,video
audio cassettes,loudspeakers etc.
Nil    Nil    Nil    0       
iii.Campaign through electronic/print media
(including cable network).
1,69,659   1 Lacs+ Nil    Nil    1,69,659   1 Lacs+ 1,69,659   1 Lacs+
iv.Vehicles used and POL expenditure on such vehicles. 4,58,500   4 Lacs+ Nil    Nil    4,58,500   4 Lacs+ 4,58,500   4 Lacs+
v.Expenses on campaign workers. 5,70,200   5 Lacs+ Nil    Nil    5,70,200   5 Lacs+ 5,70,200   5 Lacs+
vi.Expenses incurred on publishing of declaration regarding criminal cases. 28,560   28 Thou+ Nil    Nil    28,560   28 Thou+ 28,560   28 Thou+
vii.Other misc expenses. Nil    Nil    Nil    0       
viii.Expenses incurred on Virtual Campaign (Enclose as per Schedule 11) Nil    . Nil    .. Nil    ... 0    ....    
Calculated Column Total 27,81,716   27 Lacs+ 1,19,755   1 Lacs+ 0    29,01,471   29 Lacs+ 29,01,471   29 Lacs+
Total Given by candidate 27,81,717   27 Lacs+ 1,19,755    Nil   

CALCULATED GRAND TOTAL:- 29,01,471    29 Lacs+




Received FromDetailsTotal
iAmount of own fund used for the election campaign7,81,717  7 Lacs+
7,81,717   7 Lacs+
iiLump sum amount received from the party (ies) in cash or cheque etc.21,19,755  21 Lacs+
21,19,755   21 Lacs+
iiiLump sum amount received from any person/ company/ firm/ associations / body of persons etc. as loan, gift or donation etc.Nil    
iiiTotal Given by Candidate
(Enter this total only if breakup is not given in the columns above)
29,01,472  29 Lacs+
29,01,472   29 Lacs+
Total29,01,472   29 Lacs+

Affidavit Data Quality Information


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